Thursday, March 22

Sentap? Agak la.. (Part 2)


Hari ni, sentap lagi.. Aduhaiiii, ape la nasib badan. Tengah happy dalam Literature class, bergelak tawa dengan kawan-kawan, tiba-tiba DUSSHHH!!! Aduh, menusuk ke sanubari hatiku ini.

"Ima, sopan la sikit." :)

Alahai encik, saya ni tak cukup sopan ke? Punya lah perangai macam perempuan melayu terakhir ni (kononnya), sempat lagi kena sound macam tu. Mula-mula baca SMS tu, terkejut sangat-sangat (ala-ala terkejut beruk). Out of expectation akan dapat mesej
macam tu dari seorang classmate. Boy pulak tu. Aduh, sakitnya, marahnya, bengangnya... Hanya ALLAH je la yang tahu.

Kenapa rasa macam tu?? Sebabnya..... He's nobody to me. Don't even know him well. And he is totally out of my daily life..just exist as an communication at all..

Lepas tu, balik bilik. Duduk diam-diam atas katil. Ayat keramat tu masih berlegar-legar dalam fikiran. Tak mampu nak cerna maksud yang terselindung di sebalik 4 kata itu. So, tidur lagi bagus.

Celik je mata, ayat keramat tu jugak la yang menyapa "morning". Tak nak fikir, tapi tak mampu nak halau dari minda ni. Kalau bukan empunya badan yang fikir, sape lagi yang nak tolong fikirkan? hurmmm....

Finally, I come out with a good conclusion (I think). Yes, think positive. That's the only solution for all the question. Play save. Win-win situation. Maybe he's caring bout me, her classmate. He want me to be the best woman of the world (maybe). And it really shows that I am somebody to his life.. I am exist in his quite life.. Although we are not communicating well, but he is observing what I am doing. (wah, gile glamour!!)

Anyway, thanks a lot mister for your willingness of reminding me. This really makes me thinking a lot. on my attitudes, behaviour, and myself. But, I like to keep it like this.. because this is me.. yes, sometimes I'm quite overacting.. hyper.. but this is the way I make my life colourful.. this is the reasons for me to smile in twenty years later.. Insya Allah.. May God bless you, Ameen.


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